Construction site gated with padlock

COVID-19 FAQ: Impacts on Canadian construction and engineering

Well, the time has come for us to pause updating this page on COVID-19 and its impacts on Canada’s constructions and engineering sectors. As of October, 2021, Canada’s COVID-19 epidemiology remains relatively stable, with widespread vaccine uptake across the country. Canada’s borders have opened to fully vaccinated travellers from around the world. As well, according to Canada’s most recent jobs numbers, the Canadian unemployment rate is back to pre-pandemic levels — that’s right! — we’re back, baby!

Here at Outpost, we’ve seen hiring in Canada’s construction and engineering sector rebound strongly — no surprise considering that infrastructure investment and spending was a touchstone of Canada’s economic strategy for pandemic recovery. In fact, for those seeking employment opportunities, it’s a great time to get in touch to discuss your options.

We’re always keen to hear from motivated job seekers so feel free to create a profile and we can arrange a chat around your employment preferences. Our consultative approach is focused on working with motivated candidates to find them the right opportunity in the market. We have strong client relationships which allow us open channels of communication. Timing is everything in recruitment and we can monitor the market on your behalf.

Canada’s construction sector has settled into a comfortable “normal” and the country appears to be moving past the crisis phase of the pandemic. As such, don’t expect any more regular updates on this page. However, if substantial changes do take place in the construction sector — we’ll be back!

And — if you’re outside Canada — we suggest bookmarking the COVID-19 Travel Updates Page on our sister website, Moving2Canada. That page is regularly updated whenever there are changes to Canada’s COVID-19 travel measures or Canadian immigration programs.